Handy Reference Tool: The Root Of Horror Is Here…

30 09 2015

If people could perceive their situation without bias or prejudice, there would be very little drama. There would also be no horror.

“By gosh Sheriff Brody, all evidence points at an enormous shark! The short term financial benefit is outweighed by the risk of life and Amity’s reputation. As mayor, I close the beaches!”

“Say little brother, have we even seen a picture of our grandparents? Aren’t we making assumptions going along with these weird old coots?”

“Living on the sidewalk is probably better than staying in a brownstone that may be the gate to Hell. Just thinkin’ out loud.”

I did not make and take no credit for this chart. I found it on Mental Floss. Have a listen to their podcast “You Are Not So Smart.”



Hero’s Journey and The Plot To Romance Stories…Now In Handy Charts!

24 09 2015

I do not own or take credit for these handy reference tools. I was a sap and did not note from where I had downloaded them. But these are quite useful for those who wish to do the Epic Fantasy or to do the Romance Plot in their books. Myself, I am going back to the first novel I wrote (tried to self-publish before Smashwords or Amazon Publishing was available; expensive and frustrating. Then I tried to outsmart the market by using a distinctive cover that was black-and-white with a complex pen-and-ink portrait. This is how I learned I CANNOT OUTSMART THINGS.).

Hero's Journey

Romance Plot




This Is BOSS! Short movie: “Anthophobia”

16 09 2015