“Death Is Only Skin Deep”: “Highly recommend”!

26 11 2013

I Am Thankful For…

26 11 2013

…my family. My brother and sister-in-law have a blended family. I am learning how to connect with them, their kids, their grandkids. Sure, it’s been fifteen years of learning, but I’m a bit slow.

…chocolate and barbeque. Could someone make a barbeque beef wellington with chocolate babka?

…working with folks in their 20s. I am one of the oldest people working in Big Box Store in Newark. Working with the youngers is a lovely reality check, and I don’t have to worry that the world is turning into a bunch of Miley Cyruses who play “The Knockout Game.”

…my friends. You are the oddest, smartest, most eclectic, best-dressed people and I admire you all.

…being in my 50s. Now that I have some control over the level of testosterone in my body, life makes sense.

…air conditioning. Because it is air conditioning.

…sharing a house. Renting a room and living with two people keeps my sense of proportion.

…my parents. They were very sweet people and I wish you could have met them. In a way, through me, you have.

…the challenges of art. The Japanese word “do” has it right: a focused study does improve you as a person. Finding people who enjoy things I create is fulfilling.

…The Cramps. I did not start getting in touch with myself until about 1989, when I found Lux Interior and Poison Ivy.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4yZLR-gKNA

“really good, well-drawn characters, and ending with a bang.”

14 11 2013

said yet another about that story in “Death Is Only Skin Deep.” Contact me fro a free copy, give me a ten word blurb on Amazon.

“the semi romance- then disgust and a serious “eeehheeheeew” moment, then again glee.”

14 11 2013

said another of a story in “Death Is Only Skin Deep”. Contact me for a free copy and put your ten word blurb on Amazon.

“Excellent. Very moody victorian horror piece.”

14 11 2013

said the fan of a story in “Death Is Only Skin Deep”. I’ll give you a copy if you give me ten words in your Amazon blurb.

Jack Ketchum’s ‘Off Season’ is Back!

13 11 2013

I Met These Great People At PhilCon

10 11 2013

Tom Purdom at http://www.philart.net/tompurdom/
Tom Doyle at http://mysite.verizon.net/vzexlq38/tomdoyle/
Steve Miller and Sharon Lee at http://korval.com/
Jim Freund from “Hour of the Wolf” http://hourwolf.com/toc.html
Jay Smith at http://zebrapix.wix.com/hg-world-entry
Pam Spinks Smith
Muriel Hykes at https://www.facebook.com/murielhykes
Keith DeCandido at http://www.sff.net/people/krad//
Edward Carmien of Mercer County (NJ) College
Neil Clarke of clarkesworld.com
Sally Wiener Grotta at http://www.grotta.net/
Ken Altabef
Anatoly Belivovsky at http://belilovsky.com/

Coming up with ideas to improve PhilCon outreach to younger fans.
Accomplished authors Tom Purdom and Ken Altabef saying I’m doing right by working part-time so I can write.
Doing well on the panels. The attendees were all great.

In my experience, PhilCon went without a hitch. A number of ideas came from the “It’s Our Lawn Too” panel:
Bringing in more media tie-in and YA authors
Skyped guests
More panels about podcasts, epublishing, and electronic media
Resuming LARPs
Story readings for kids
More panels critiquing writing and art from attendees (I would be glad to run one)

10 Japanese Twitter posts that will change the way you think about the future

8 11 2013

How I’m Preparing For PhilCon

6 11 2013

As you’ve seen from the previous post, I am moderating a couple of panels on Saturday.
Maybe you know me personally, maybe not. Either way, you should know that I think that if someone pays money to attend a con and go to a panel, then dammit, the panel should stay on topic.
I can’t count how many times I’ve paid for a con and gone to be informed, only to discover an 800 Pound Gorilla of a Grand Old Writer talking about what snacks were served at PhilCon 3 back in 19 whatever.
Money is tight with fans. They should get their money’s worth.
So I:
1) contact the other panelists ahead of time
2) and propose questions around which to structure the discussion.
3) I gladly accept ideas and other approaches to the subject matter.
4) I go online or read material to become acquainted with the topics.
5) On the day of the panel, I take deep breaths and keep caffeine to a minimum
6) and tell the audience to phrase their responses in the form of a question to keep pontification to a minimum.
An hour goes very quickly. We should all make the most of it.

Death is only Skin Deep review

4 11 2013

Death is only Skin Deep review.